
About Azebrado

We are a Publisher That Keeps User First

azebrado is the company behind some of the high-quality brands in different spaces.

We Love to deliver:

The most helpful content for our users

Provide users with the best user experience visiting our sites

Helping in the user journey by educating them

About vector

What’s Makes Us Better Than Others?

Our family dynamic sets us apart. It’s the secret ingredient that infuses our work with passion, dedication, and a personal touch. Here’s how our family connection impacts Azebrado:

Shared Values: Our family shares a common set of values that prioritize integrity, quality, and a user-centric approach. These values guide every decision we make and every piece of content we create.

Strong Communication: With a deep understanding and open communication within our family, we can quickly adapt to changes, respond to challenges, and continuously improve our offerings.

Long-Term Vision: Azebrado is not just a business; it’s a legacy we’re building for future generations. This long-term perspective drives us to invest in sustainable growth and the well-being of our users.

Personal Commitment: Our family’s personal commitment to Azebrado means that we go the extra mile to ensure that every aspect of our platform meets the highest standards. Your experience is our top priority.

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Meet the azebrado Team

Anirban Saha


Anirban Saha is a Tech Expert who loves technology and loves being an entrepreneur after 5+ years of experience in the IT industry working as a software developer.

You can read Anirban Saha’s content on TechBullish, StallionZo, and Mrplanter.

Tarun Saha


Tarun Saha is a Tech enthusiast who loves technology and stays updated on the industry tech trends.

You can read Tarun Saha’s on Stallionzo.

Basana Saha


Basana Saha is an entrepreneur and a passionate mom dedicated to exploring and getting hands-on with baby gear and family games. She has an experience of more than 20 years working as a Beauty Professional before entering the publishing industry.

You can read Basana Saha’s content on KidsCareIdeas.

Glimpses from Our Team

Behind Azebrado, there’s a special bond that forms the heart and soul of our company – our family. We’re more than just co-founders; we’re a close-knit unit that shares a common vision and passion for delivering excellence in the digital realm.

azebrado logo

Azebrado is a company delivering unique high-quality brands in the publishing space.



General Queries: we@azebrado.com

Press: press@azebrado.com

Feedback: feedback@azebrado.com


Office USA:

444 Alaska Avenue, Suite #BOF616, Torrance, CA 90503, USA

Office India

Shree Housing, Subhashree, Newtown, Kolkata-700156, India

Phone (USA)



Phone (India)
